Sunday 29 December 2013

One Batty Day

The wee Yarn Cake round the corner recently acquired a rentable drum carder...  Well that was just a fleecy disaster waiting to happen really, wasn't it?

Regardless, what happened was that I ended up dragging out all bundles, bales, baggies, tops and scraps of fleece of all shapes and sizes I own, and attempt to mix them all together in some sort of frantic jaggy-ouch-I-stuck-my-finger-in-it-again frenzy of fluff.  

Frantic frenzy of fluff.  Pahaha, I make me laugh.  At least, it would be funny if it hadn't likely been so true.

By the time David came home from work I had managed not only to re-carpet the carpet with a layer of fluff, but to create a mountain of batts which I will likely never manage to spin.  They're oh so pretty though...

Some of it has turned into yummy yarn now, over here.

My favourite:  30% copper merino, 30% brown sparkle, 15% soyabean, 15% brown locks.  

My second favourite: 30% pink merino, 30% brown sparkle, 15% soybean, 15% brown massam

Third, I really did think this would be my favourite - look how pretty it is in that basket!  20% beige camel, 20% white silk, 40% copper merino, 10% brown locks, 10% yellow silk noil.

Oh, and not to forget the harry potter marathon I found myself watching at the same time as this carding marathon.  They may have prompted some 'house' batts.  What the hell am I going to do with these.  Uncontrolled batting got the better of me.

One last element to this odd day was that I did invite the pig inside.  Several times I did think I had lost the pig.  Spot the pig.


I'm being mean, you can't see him in the first one because he was hiding under the tree.  But this is exactly my point; sneaky pig.  

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